- assert statement
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Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
assert — 1. noun /əˈsɜːt,əˈsɝt/ an assert statement; a section of source code which tests whether an expected condition is true. 2. verb /əˈsɜːt,əˈsɝt/ a) To declare with assurance or plainly and strongly; to state positively. he would often assert his… … Wiktionary
assert — 1 Assert, declare, profess, affirm, aver, protest, avouch, avow, predicate, warrant agree in meaning to state positively usually either in anticipation of denial or objection or in the face of it. Assert implies absence of proof: it usually… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
assert — [ə sʉrt′] vt. [< L assertus, pp. of asserere, to join to, claim < ad , to + serere, join: see SERIES] 1. to state positively; declare; affirm 2. to maintain or defend (rights, claims, etc.) assert oneself to insist on one s rights, or on… … English World dictionary
assert — [[t]əsɜ͟ː(r)t[/t]] asserts, asserting, asserted 1) VERB If someone asserts a fact or belief, they state it firmly. [FORMAL] [V that] Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment... [V n] The defendants, who continue to… … English dictionary
assert — transitive verb Etymology: Latin assertus, past participle of asserere, from ad + serere to join more at series Date: circa 1604 1. to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively 2. a. to … New Collegiate Dictionary
Statement (programming) — In computer programming a statement can be thought of as the smallest standalone element of an imperative programming language. A program is formed by a sequence of one or more statements. A statement will have internal components (eg,… … Wikipedia
Signing statement (United States) — A signing statement is a written pronouncement issued by the President of the United States upon the signing of a bill into law. There is an ongoing controversy concerning the extensive use of signing statements by President George W. Bush to… … Wikipedia
make a statement — I verb affirm, allege, argue, assert positively, asseverate, attest, authenticate, aver, avouch, avow, bear, certify, claim, confirm, contend, converse, declare, explain, express, formulate, maintain, present, proclaim, profess, pronounce,… … Law dictionary
Promela — (Process or Protocol Meta Language) is a verification modeling language. The language allows for the dynamic creation of concurrent processes to model, for example, distributed systems. In PROMELA models, communication via message channels can be … Wikipedia
Miranda warning — The Miranda warning (also referred to as Miranda rights) is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to inform them … Wikipedia
Truth — For other uses, see Truth (disambiguation). Time Saving Truth from Falsehood and Envy, François Lemoyne, 1737 Truth has a variety of meanings, such as the state of being in accord with fact or reality … Wikipedia